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Monday, December 20, 2021

The Metaverse is a T $ 1 Opportunity After Users Increase 10X

Crypto investment giant Grayscale released a bullish report on the Metaverse, estimating that the “market opportunity” to bring the Metaverse to the general public could exceed $1,000 billion over the next several years.

The November report, titled “The Metaverse, Web 3.0 Virtual Cloud Economies,” was written by Grayscale Research Leader David Grider and Research Analyst Matt Maximo. Both explore a growing field primarily from the open-world perspective of the “interconnected crypto-economy” such as the metaverse backed by Decentraland.

The report explains that the Metaverse platform, integrated with crypto tokens, decentralized finance (DeFi) services such as staking and lending, NFTs, decentralized governance and decentralized cloud storage, has “created a new online experience.” Which quickly attracts new users.

Analyzing data from the “All-Time Global Active Metaverse Portfolio” from the beginning of 2020, they found that the user base had grown tenfold to nearly 50,000 by June 2021.

“Compared to Web 3.0 and other segments of Web 2.0, users of the Metaverse virtual world are still in their infancy, but if the current growth rate continues on its current trajectory, this emerging segment is likely to become mainstream in the coming years.” has the potential to.

The report emphasizes that there is no dearth of venture capital firms that are harnessing the potential of the sector. According to the report, the third quarter fundraising for blockchain games totaled $1 billion. This represented 12% of the total fundraising for the entire crypto industry in the quarter, ranking it as the “#1 sub-sector” in the Web 3.0 and NFT category.

market opportunity
The researchers note a range of key dynamics that may have contributed significantly to the growth of the Metaverse industry, including an increase in average leisure time and money spent on digital entertainment, a cultural shift from premium games to free games, and Web 3.0. Innovations like games are included. To win (P2E).

Global virtual-world gaming revenues totaled $180 billion in 2020, with ‘premium spending’ amounting to about $40 billion, with estimates that the industry could bring in more than $400 billion by 2025, primarily in-game spending. Thanks for the model.

The report claims that this change is accelerating “with the transition from the closed Web 2.0 enterprise metaverse to the Web 3.0 open crypto metaverse network,” as they represent gambling potential.

“The Metaverse Web 3.0 virtual world has benefited from rapid innovation and productivity gains. The crypto virtual world has created a multimillion-dollar primary and primary goal for creators and asset owners by removing capital controls and opening their digital borders to free market capitalism. Secondary market has been created,” the report said.

The price of native tokens for open metaverse platforms such as Decentraland (MANA) and The Sandbox (SAND) has risen in recent days, each up 49% and 102% to $5.03 and $7.60. at the time of writing.

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