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Friday, December 10, 2021

8 Chinese companies blacklisted in the US for national security reasons

Tensions continue between Beijing and Washington as the US government reportedly blacklisted several Chinese companies on Wednesday. According to Reuters, the US said these companies helped develop the Chinese military’s quantum computing efforts.

Eight China-based tech companies were placed on the “entity list” not only for their alleged role in aiding the Chinese military, but also for obtaining or attempting to obtain “items of American origin in support of military applications”. were added. ,

In a statement, US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said the new lists would help prevent the country’s technology from supporting the development of Chinese and Russian “military progress and non-proliferation concern activities”, including “unsafe nuclear activities”. Or Pakistan’s ballistic missile program”.

The Chinese embassy in Washington has “strongly opposed” the blacklist, with spokesman Liu Pengyu saying the US uses a “wider concept of national security” and its power to control “Chinese enterprises by any means necessary”. “misuse”. For the muzzle and restraint.

He said the US “should meet China halfway instead of following the wrong path,” the Reuters report revealed.

The development comes at a time when the two countries are facing each other over the situation in Taiwan and on trade issues. Notably, during the recent virtual meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping, world leaders discussed trade among other things.

Meanwhile, the reported eight Chinese companies are not the only ones blacklisted by the US. A total of 27 new entities have been added and the list includes China, apart from Pakistan, Japan and Singapore.

The US Commerce Department told Reuters that the purpose of the blacklist was to prevent the Chinese military from developing its own counter-stealth technology, which includes equipment such as advanced radar and even submarine applications such as submarine sensors.

Suppliers of companies in the US entity list require a license before selling the item, and will be denied.

The US is increasingly and steadily using its ‘entity list’ to blacklist companies in the interest of foreign policy and national security, and this has started since the administration of former President Donald Trump. In 2019, Chinese telecommunications company Huawei was added to the list, shutting down important suppliers, making handset production difficult.

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